Saturday, February 16, 2013

2.2 Definitions of Physical Disability
This refers to the disability caused by developmental delay, diseases of the central and peripheral neurological systems, traumas or other congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system (Education bureau,

According to this meaning it shows that, most of the physical disabilities can be a result of problems developed by diseases or failure of development growth stages.

World health organization disabilities (2011), define physical disability as any impairment which limit the function of limbs or fine or gross motor ability. Other physical disabilities include impairments which limit other facets of daily living.

National disability authority (NDA), 2005. Define physical disability as a substantial restriction in the capacity of the person to carry on a profession, business or occupation in a state or participate in social or cultural life in the state because of an enduring physical sensory, mental health or intellectual impairment.

Santrock, (2012) has used the term physical disorder to mean children with orthopedic impairments, such as cerebral palsy and seizure disorders. Also have suggested that children with physical disorders require special education and related services, such as transportation, physical therapy, school health services and psychological services.

Ingule, Rono and Ndambuki (1996), use the term exceptional children which within it there is a group of children with physical handicap. According to them, exceptional children refers  to any typical children or children with defiant behaviour although the terminologies like disabled, handicapped and dyfunctioning to mean oxceptional children.

Ingule et al,(1996) explains that children with physical limitations or health problem interfere with normal physical functioning example school attendance or learning.

2.3 Types of Physical Disability
Ingule et al ,(1996) categorizes physical disability as neurological disability health handicaps, musculoskeletal problem and orthopedic.

2.4 Education to Children with Physical Disability
In Tanzania education to children with physical disability follows the category of special education.
Children with disabilities in Tanzania are provided with educational services at various levels ranging from primary through secondary to higher learning institutions. Pre-primary is yet to be introduced to this group of children with educational needs. Categories of disabilities include those with visual hearing, mental and physical impairments. United republic of Tanzania (2006).

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