Friday, February 15, 2013

Spousal sexual abuse BY WATSON GIBSON M. TEKU/BEDCP/101655

  Spousal abuse

Spousal sexual abuse is a form of domestic violence. When the abuse involves forced sex, it may constitute rape upon the other spouse, depending on the jurisdiction, and may also constitute an occur where one person uses a position of authority to compel another person to engage in an otherwise unwanted sexual activity. For example, sexual harassment in the workplace might involve an employee being coerced into a sexual situation out of fear of being dismissed. Sexual harassment in education might involve a student submitting to the sexual advances of a person in authority in fear of being punished, for example by being given a failing grade.
Several sexual abuse scandals have involved abuse of religious authority and often cover-up among non-abusers, including cases in the Southern Baptist religion,[2] Catholic Church, Episcopalian religion,[3] Islam,[4] Jehovah's Witnesses, Lutheran church,[5] Methodist Church,[6] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[7] the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Orthodox Judaism,[8] other branches of Judaism, and various cults.

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