Saturday, February 16, 2013

}A family tree is a diagram showing the relation between people in several generations of family.
}Is a chart representing family relationship in a conventional tree structure.
}Is a chart that maps lineage usually of a particular person as far back as record.
}A family tree can also mean starting with the oldest known generation and working forward.
Types of family tree

}There several type of family tree the following are some of them;
1.The descent tree chart;
Has the couple on the top of the chart with their
children grand parents children.

2.The ancestor family tree

} has the principle person at the boll and his/her direct ancestor only,i.e parents, grand parent etc. 

} has the principle person at the boll and his/her direct ancestor only,i.e parents, grand parent etc. 

3.The ancestor plus family tree,

}This includes not only the direct ancestors of the principal person but also the siblings of each ancestors. It normally includes all branches of the family tree.


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