Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Active Listening
Active listening happens when you "listen for meaning". The listener says very little but conveys empathy, acceptance and genuiness.
Body Language
Developing encouraging body language can take some practice. Remember that communication is 55% body language, 38% tone and 7% words.
Asking Questions
Asking questions - open and closed - is an important tool in the counseling kit. They can help a person open up or close them down.
Paraphrasing is when you, the listener, restate succinctly and tentatively what the speaker said - conveying empathy, acceptance and genuineness.
A summary, in counseling, is when you focus on the main points of a presentation or session in order to highlight them.
Note Taking
Note taking is the practice of writing down pieces of information, often in a shorthand and messy manner.
Homework in counseling is fun and informative work done outside of the session. It extends the length of the session and increases progress.

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