Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hi, What Makes you Burnout?

Symptoms You Should Know About
  • Does it seem like every day is a bad day?
  • Would you characterize most of your life as “stressful”?
  • Do you feel like keeping up your commitments is just a waste of energy?
  • Do you feel alone in the world?
  • Do you find your daily work overwhelming or boring?
  • Do you wonder if anything you do makes a difference?
  • Are you increasingly cynical about where your life is headed?
That short list of symptoms , it should give you some idea of how stress is impacting your mental health. So what can you do if you’re starting to feel burnt out? You can prevent the stress of the burnout from turning into deeper depression or mental illness by employing these simple stress management tips. 
If you’re burnt out already:
1) You need to slow down. You’ve worked too hard and simply adjusting your workload will not stop the burnout. You need to actually take a break—make time to rest and heal. Yes, it’s hard to walk away from work commitments. But it’s easier than suffering serious depression and mental illness.
2) Find a friend. Relationships in your life can restore meaning, hope, and relaxation. Don’t let your friends be sucked into the cycle of you burning out; let them be the respite from that stress. Share your feelings with those you love, and let them help you beat the burnout.
3) Think about what matters. You’re likely to get burned out when you forget the reasons for your life and your work. Don’t lose track of your hopes and goals. What is burnout really? It’s the state of having lost perspective about what really matters in life. Treat your burnout by taking some time to make sure that your career and commitments are in line with those goals.
As long as you’re taking the time to research treatment for burnouts, why don’t you take a few minutes to consider the condition of your heart? Why not take a few minutes to talk to God about the pain of burnout?
Adam Mwajuma  teku/bedcp/101451