The Effects of Alcoholism
Not only this, but alcoholism also affects the unfortunate "strangers" who happen to be in the
wrong place at the wrong time when the alcoholic causes a traffic accident or fatality because he or she was
driving while under the influence of alcohol. Please continue reading for more relevant information about the
effects of alcoholism.
The Effects of Alcoholism: The First Stage of Alcoholism
Perhaps the most logical way to discuss the effects of alcoholism is to focus first on the classic
alcoholic behavior manifested in the four states of alcoholism.
Finally, the health problems, diseases, and medical conditions problems that are caused directly or
indirectly by alcoholism can be undertaken.
In the first stage of alcoholism, drinking is no longer social but becomes a means of psychological
escape from stress, inhibitions, and problems.
More to the point, early in the disease the person with a drinking problem starts to depend on the "mood
altering" aspects of alcohol.Another characteristic of the first stage of alcoholism is that a gradual increase in tolerance develops, meaning that increasing amounts of alcohol are required in order to feel a "buzz" or a "high."
The following represents some of the classic alcoholic behavior, drinking problems, and the effects of alcoholism experienced by problem drinkers in the first stage of alcoholism
- Gross Drinking Behavior - more frequent drinking of greater amounts
- Boasting and a "big shot" complex
- The use of alcohol as a way to forget problems or to "mellow out"
- A conscious effort to seek out more drinking opportunities
- Lack of recognition by the person with the drinking problem that he or she is in the early stages of a progressive illness
- An ability to drink great amounts of alcohol without any apparent impairment
- Drinking is not social but a psychological escape from stress and problems
- Increasing tolerance
Alcoholism Effects: The Second Stage of Alcoholism
In the second stage of alcoholism, the need to drink becomes more intense. Typically in this stage, the problem drinker starts to drink earlier in the day. As tolerance increases, furthermore, the alcoholic drinks because of his or her dependence on alcohol, rather than because of psychological stress relief.Also during this stage, the "loss of control" does not yet manifest itself on a regular basis; it is, nonetheless, gradually observed by others such as friends and family members.
The following list characterizes some of the classic alcoholic behavior, the effects alcoholism, and drinking problems in the second stage of alcoholism:
- Sneaking extra drinks before social events
- Sporadic loss of control
- Feelings of guilt and shame
- Chronic hangovers
- More frequent blackouts
- Drinking because of dependence rather than for stress relief
- Blaming problems on others and on things external to themselves
- Unsuccessful attempts to stop drinking
- Increasing physical problems
- Denial
- Increasing tolerance
The Effects of Alcoholism: The Third Stage of Alcoholism
In the third stage of alcoholism, the loss of control becomes more predominant, meaning that the person with the drinking problem is unable to drink according to his or her intentions.For instance, once the problem drinker has had the first drink, he or she can no longer control what will happen, even though the intention might have been to have only two or three drinks.
During this stage of the disease, the individual usually starts to experience serious financial, relationship, and work-related problems.
In addition, the problem drinker starts to avoid family and friends and experiences a loss of interest in things that used to be important. Also typical during this stage are "eye-openers," that is, drinks that are taken whenever the person awakens.
Eye-openers are typically taken to lessen a hangover, calm the nerves, or to quiet the feelings of remorse the drinker suffers after a period of time without a drink.
Research has shown that among alcoholics with severe marital and drinking problems, the combination of couples therapy with the learning and rehearsal of a relapse prevention plan resulted in improved marital relations and higher abstinence rates through 30 months of follow up compared with patients undergoing only behavioral-marital therapy. |
- Problems with the law (such as DUIs)
- Frequent violent or destructive behavior
- Changes in friendships, such as associating only with friends who drink
- The development of an alibi system - an elaborate system of excuses for their drinking
- An increase in failed promises and resolutions to one's self and to others
- Neglect of necessities such as food
- The development of an alibi system - an elaborate system of excuses for their drinking
- Aggressive and grandiose behavior
- Loss of interest in activities that used to be important
- The start of physical deterioration
- Loss of control has become a pattern
- Half-hearted attempts at seeking medical aid
- Eye-openers
- A decrease in alcohol tolerance
- Serious financial, relationship, and work-related problems
- Increasing tremors
- Unreasonable resentments
- A decrease in alcohol tolerance
- Loss of willpower
- Avoidance of family and friends
During the last stage of alcoholism, benders are typical. More specifically, during this stage, the alcoholic frequently gets helplessly drunk and may remain in this condition for days at a time. The unattainable goal for the alcoholic at this time is to find the feeling of euphoria they once experienced. |
Alcoholism Effects: The Fourth Stage of Alcoholism
The fourth and final stage of alcoholism is typified by a chronic loss of control. In the earlier stages of the disease, the problem drinker may have been successful in maintaining a job.Now, however, drinking starts earlier in the day and typically continues throughout the day. Not surprisingly, few, if any, full-time jobs can be sustained once a person reaches this state of mind.
In the earlier stages of the disease, moreover, the alcoholic had a choice whether he or she would take the first drink. After taking the first drink, the alcoholic usually lost all control and would then continue drinking.
In the last stage of alcoholism, conversely, alcoholics no longer have a choice: they must drink in order to function.
In the United States during 2004, 16,694 deaths occurred as a result of alcohol-related motor-vehicle accidents. This amount was roughly 39% of all traffic fatalities. This amounts to one alcohol-related death every 31 minutes. |
The following list represents some of the classic alcoholic behavior, drinking problems, and the
effects of alcoholism in the fourth stage of alcoholism:
- "The shakes"
- Continual loss of control
- The collapse of the alibi system
- Indefinable fears
- The possibility of alcoholic psychosis
- Auditory and visual hallucinations
- Impaired thinking
- Loss of tolerance for alcohol
- Unreasonable resentments and hostility toward others
- Persistent remorse
- Vague spiritual desires
- Devaluation of personal relationships
- An obsession with drinking
- Nameless fears and anxieties such as feelings of impending doom or destruction
- Moral deterioration
- Benders, or lengthy intoxications
- The "DTs"
- The realization of being out of control
The Social Effects of Alcoholism
Alcoholism not only affects the alcoholic, but it also affects those who are closest the alcoholic,
his family, friends, relatives, and work associates. The following list is a sample of the "social effects" of
alcohol addiction:
- Traffic fatalities on the highways
- Work-related injuries and accidents
- Broken homes
- Wife battering
- Traffic injuries
- Birth defects such as fetal alcohol syndrome
- Destroyed relationships
- Child abuse
- Destroyed lives
- Dysfunctional homes
- Codependent behavior in others
Teens under 15 who have ever consumed alcohol are twice as likely to have sex as those who have not. Nearly 4 in 10 (39%) sexually active teens who use alcohol have had sexual intercourse with four or more individuals. |
Diseases, Illnesses, and Medical Conditions Caused by Alcoholism
Alcoholism causes a number of diseases, medical conditions, and health problems. We will focus first on the different types of cancer caused by alcoholism and then on the non-cancerous illness and ailments that are the consequence of this disease.The Effects of Alcoholism: Cancer
The following is a list of different types of cancer that are caused directly or indirectly by alcoholism:- Throat
- Larynx
- Liver
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Kidneys
- Colon
- Rectum
The Effects of Alcoholism: Non-Cancerous Medical Conditions
The following is a list non-cancerous diseases, medical conditions, and health problems caused directly or indirectly by alcoholism:- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Brain damage
- Death (from alcohol poisoning, excessive intoxication, and organ malfunction)
- Harm to the fetus while the mother is pregnant
- Problems with the immune system
- Impaired learning ability
- Severe thiamine deficiency
- Vitamin A deficiency (which can cause night blindness)
- Numbness of the feet and hands
- Memory loss
- Dehydration
- Organ and system malfunction
- Alcohol Poisoning
- Vitamin D deficiency (which can result in bone fractures)
- Infections
- Loss of intellectual abilities
- Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)
- Korsakoff's syndrome (a memory disorder)
- Alcohol withdrawal symptoms when the alcoholic stops drinking
- Inflammation of the digestive system
- Ulcers from the perforation of the stomach and the intestines
- Pneumonia
- Vitamin deficiencies (such as folate, selenium, riboflavin, thiamin, and vitamin B6)
- Coma
- Mental confusion
- Kidney and urinary tract infections
- Kidney failure
- Pancreatitis
- Wernicke's disease (a memory disorder)
- Nervous system damage
- Cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy (damage to the heart muscle), heart failure, and strokes
- Destruction of brain cells
- Sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and impotence in men
- Diabetes
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a group of symptoms manifested by problem drinkers who stop drinking alcohol after a pattern of continuous and excessive consumption. These symptoms can range from mild to moderate to severe and include both psychological and behavioral aspects. |
The Effects of Alcoholism: Conclusion
The effects of alcoholism are wide-spread as well as ruinous. Indeed, alcoholism is truly a
disastrous, destructive, and debilitating disease that effects the alcoholic; the alcoholic's social network,
namely his work associates, friends, family members, and other relatives; and the unsuspecting "strangers" who
happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when the alcoholic causes a traffic fatality or accident because
the alcoholic was driving "under the influence" of alcohol.
If this weren't enough, the effects of alcoholism manifest themselves in an astounding number of
drinking problems, health conditions, and medical problems that are experienced by problem drinkers and
alcoholics. At first glance, the number of ailments and illnesses caused by alcoholism is overwhelming.
After the situation is looked at more closely, however, the medical and health-related consequences
of the disease start to make more sense. That is, over time, alcoholism progressively breaks down the proper
functioning of the body's main organs and systems.
In turn, the alcoholic cannot replenish the vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients his
body needs because of his poor eating habits and perhaps more importantly because his malfunctioning organs prevent
the proper digestion, absorption, metabolism, and utilization of the nutrients needed for growth, repair, and
general system maintenance. Gradually, over time, the alcoholic slowly kills himself or herself by his or her own behavior
ReplyDeleteI hope all is well with you. Healthline just published an infographic detailing the Effects on the Body of Alcohol. This is an interactive chart allowing the reader to pick the side effect they want to learn more about.
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